Friday, 4 December 2015

Monsoon Season in Malaysia ( Problems & Solution Essay )


                Malaysia is known as a country with tropical region which only have two seasons throughout the year which are rainy and sunny seasons. The monsoon seasons in Malaysia can be divided into two categories which are the Northeast monsoon season occurs in November - February and the Southwest monsoon season occurs in May - August (Wong,1981). The east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is the most pity region because the northeast monsoon season is very strong at east coast of Peninsular Malaysia where the amount of storms and rains it brings is more compared to southwest monsoon season(Wong,1981). Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions. 

               The major impact of monsoon seasons arrival to the surrounding is flood (Fox, 2015). The continuous raining during monsoon seasons  will increase the amount river runoff which eventually will caused the flood (Ang, 2015). For instance, that tragedy that happened in Kelantan last year during the northeast monsoon season period, 90% of the local residents' properties, houses, cars and others was totally damaged by the flood. Besides that, this monsoons arrival also can give a negative impact to the fisheries activity in Malaysia. Fishermen with small boat are restricted for fishing on sea due to bad weather during monsoon season (Omar & Quah, 2005). Fishing activity is the major income for the fisherman's family, just imagine their situation during the monsoon!! Nevertheless, the other impact of monsoon is the coastal erosion along the beach especially to the east coast Peninsular Malaysia's beach. The beach in east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is directly exposed to strong waves during the northeast monsoon wind which also washed off the sand from the shore (Wong,1981).

             Since serious problems of monsoon  have arisen, as a results of this the solution to overcome the flood disaster is by intensifying the poor drainage system in Malaysia (Toriman & Mokhtar,2012). It seems to be that the drainage system is not intensive enough to control flooding as it could not support the current development of cities across the Malaysia (Ahmad and Spykerman,2014). Next, the only solution for those fisherman that cant carry on their work that is fishing, should get a temporary job such as develop a small bussiness of fish crackers or become a skilled worker during the monsoon seasons' arrival (Yee et al., 2007). This ideas is just to replace the income that gain from the fishing activity. Lastly, it is important that action is taken to combat the coastal erosion problem along the beach of east coast Peninsular Malaysia.Governments should ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place so that will prevent the coastal erosion, activities like sand filling and building of revetment along the coastline can be done (Sharifah, 1992).  In conjunction, revetments are sloping structures placed on banks or cliffs in such a way as to absorb the energy of incoming water as it can protect the beach shore from strong waves. 

         To conclude, monsoon is a natural phenomena that occurs mostly in Southeast Asian countries. Understanding the ways and predicting changing trends of monsoon may be central to managing the floods, coastal erosion problem and restriction of fishing activities on ocean that gives impact on millions of people. However, with the right action by individuals and  governments, it can be made a safe place for everyone in Malaysia during monsoon seasons.


1. Wong, P. P. (1981). Beach changes on a monsoon coast, Peninsular Malaysia. Geol. Soc. Malaysia, bulletin 14, 59-74.

2.Fox, E. India’s Monsoon Flood lingers on. Retrived from
3. Ang, K. H. (2015). An adaptation of Kota Bharu community towards monsoon flood. International Research Journal of Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies, vol. I, issue VII, 99-107.

4. Omar, Y. and Quah, P. C. (2005). Weather downtime and its effect on fishing operation in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal Technology, 42(A), 13-26.

5. Toriman, M. E. and Mokhtar, M. (2012). Irrigation: types, sources and problems in Malaysia. Irrigation System and Practices in Challenging Environments. InTech. Retrieved on 3 Dec 2015 from: challengingenvironments/irrigation-types-sources-and-problems-in-malaysia

6.Ahmad, R and Spykerman, N. Poor Drainage Causing Floods in KL.Retrieved at 2.39 pm. 3 Dec 2015 from

7.Yee, B.H., Squires, D., Ibrahim, K., Gjertsen, H., Syarifah, K.S.M.K., Zulkifli, K., Groves, T., Hong, M.C., and Tan, C.H. (2007). Fisher profiles and perceptions of sea turtle-fishery interactions: case study of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Penang: The World Fish Center

8. Sharifah, M. S. A. (1992). Background paper on the coastal zone in Malaysia: process, issues and management plan. Malaysian National Conservation Strategy. Kuala Lumpur: Economic Planning Unit.


Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Increased Rate Of Road Accidents In Malaysia.

The Increased  Rate Of Road Accidents In Malaysia.


A.   Hook/Attention getter: According to a research conducted by the University of Michigan, Malaysia is listed among the top 25 most dangerous countries for road users, with 30 fatalities per 100,000 populations. 

B.   General statement: Nowadays, road safety has becoming the serious issues as traffic accidents in Malaysia  has  been  raising  at  the  average  rate  of  9.7%  per  annum over  the  last   decades  (Mohamad Nizam Mustafa, 2006). 

C.   Thesis statement: The causes that increased the rate of road accidents are drivers with inadequate sleep, and bad attitudes of drivers on road such as drunk driving and usage of hand-phone which leads to injuries or death and reduce economic impacts to country.

ii .Body

A.   Topic sentence: The major reasons for increased rate of road accidents are the drivers with inadequate sleep and the bad attitudes of drivers while driving which going against the laws on road. 

1.    Supporting point 1:  It was found that those drivers that driving when sleepy, driving after five hours’ or less of sleep were commonly linked with a substantial increased of 50% in the risk of rate of road accidents which leads to serious injury or death, through a case-control study of 571 drivers involved in road crashes. (Jennie, et-al,2002)

a.    Sub-supporting point 1: Drivers do not stay focused on the road while driving as they don’t get enough sleep. (Prof. Dr Wong Shaw Voon, 2015)

b.    Sub-supporting point 2: Drivers whom working as a bus driver tent to lose their concentration while driving, because they would be driving for long period of time such as driving continuously for 10-12 hours in a day, might slept off while driving which can cause accident. 

2.    Supporting point 2: It is a must for the drivers to obey the traffic laws of roads as it is created to minimize the risk of road drivers to get involved in accidents but only few of the drivers are obeying the laws while others are driving as though the roads belongs to them. ( The Star, 22/2/2014)

  a. Sub-supporting point 1: According to NHTSA, 85% of all cellular customers are using the devices while driving; it estimates 20 to 30% of fatal accidents are due to “distractions”—including cell-phone usage.( N Engl J Med. 1997)

i. Sub-sub-supporting points: The risk of involving in an accident was between 3 and 6.5 times higher after 10 minutes of hand-phone use, compared with the risk for drivers not using hand-phones.(N Engl J Med. 1997)

b. Sub-supporting point 2: Other bad attitudes of Malaysian drivers are the misuse of horn, turning on the headlight at inappropriate situation or making turns without turning on the signal lights which will distract other driver’s attention.

B.   Transition paragraph
1.    Summary/conclusion: Accident issue is becoming an alarming issue in this world because of lack of road safety awareness in human and impacts to the community. 

  2. Transitional sentence: Driver with inadequate sleep and the bad attitudes of drivers while driving on roads has increased the rate of road accidents resulting in injury or fatality, loss of man power, loss of productivity, high medical expenses, costly management, property damage and others are estimated to cost an annual economic loss of about RM 7 billion.

C.   Topic sentence 2: The increased in the rate of road accidents in Malaysia will caused economic waste indirectly it will be burden to the poor in the developing country.  

1.    Supporting point 1: The bad impacts on economic because half of expanses is used to treat the victim that involved in an accident and the cost of road accident will only push insurance premium up and the sheer numbers on road accidents on Malaysian roads was a terrible economic waste to the nation as a whole. 
a. Sub-supporting point 1: Our Malaysian government need to invest money more on medical expanses to treat all the accident victims that are admitted in government hospital.  

2.    Supporting point 2: Poor people in developing countries have the highest burden of injuries and fatalities due to road traffic crashes. 
a. Sub-supporting point 1: The victims from poor family background will have a very hard time to find a big amount of money if in case the admitted have a very serious injury that to be treated. 

iii. Conclusion
A.   Restatement of the thesis statement

The causes that increased the rate of road accidents are drivers with inadequate sleep, and bad attitudes of drivers on road such as drunk driving and usage of hand-phone which leads to injuries or death and reduce economic impacts to country. 

B.   Suggestion/recommendation
 Good attitude is an important characteristic for drivers on road so that you could save your and others’ life from getting into trouble and drivers must always remember to obey the rules and regulations when on roads in order to minimize the rate of road accidents in Malaysia.

Reference list
1.Professor Dr Wong Shaw Voon, 2015. 5 common causes of road accidents in Malaysia

2. Connor Jennie, Norton Robyn, Shanthi, et al. Driver sleepiness and risk of serious injury to car occupants: population based case control study. BMJ. 2002;324:1125–1128. Retrieved on Nov 15, 2015, from:

3.  Cohen PJ, Quinlan KP, Paltiel O, Ambrose A, Redelmeier DA, Tibshirani RJ, Maclure M, Mittleman MA. Cellular Telephones and Traffic Accidents. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:127–129. Retrieved on Nov 15,2015, from : 

4. Proceedings GITE Regional Workshop on Inspection & Maintenance in Asia Bangkok; Thailand. 10–1, Dec 2001. Retrieved on Nov 15,2015.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

University Malaysia Terengganu' s International Day of 2015

     International Day is UMT's biggest event of the year where our community of students and friends comes together to celebrate cultural diversity through music, food, and performances. The aim of International Day is to enhance global learning and intercultural sharing while also sharing information about international cultures and to experience different foods of different countries. I believe this event also enhance the bonding between students where they hanged out together just to celebrate this international night with their beloved ones. 

This cute little girl had stolen my heart as she was in saree.

The stall which selling the very famous briyani of Bangladesh.

       There were 10 food stalls from 10 different countries which are Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Japan and others. My favourite food stall was Japan food stall where they sold takoyaki. I also did enjoy cultural performance by our UMT students, and i was surprised to watch the awesome lion dance that performed on International Day's night which was really very unexpected. Besides that, I had a chance to watch and support my friend's dance which represents my very own Indian cultural dance. I was mesmerized by their freaking awesome performance because i never knew that they having such outstanding talents in them. Congratulations my dear friends, you all added on more excitement on my day !!  

My great friends .....Superd dance !!

Practice 3 & 4


1. Sentence :
The clearing of the rain forest has brought about catastrophic consequences to the environment.

                                                                             Choo, K.L., The World and You (2008)

According to Choo, deforestation has brought cataclysmic event to the environment. 

2. Sentence :
The education of undergraduates is different from the education in school; undergraduates learn under the tutelage of numerous professors of diverse expertise.
                                                                             Nair, V., The Global Education (2005)
Undergraduates are educate by numerous expertise professors in various field as compared to their education in school. ( Nair, (2005)

1. Sentence
Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing them on small groups of patients.
                                                                   Teo Kim Mun, Treatments and Testing (2006)
 Scientists uses animals to test on the safety and efficiency of newly developed drugs as animals have  many almost same characteristics with homosapians before the pilot test them on humans in smaller scale. ( Kim Mun, (2006))
2. Sentence
 It is also impossible for them to focus on a book because they have short attention spans. Television, on the other hand, presents to them a different world every 30 minutes, which holds their attention.
                                                                       Akmar Saad, The Reading Dilemma (2008)
 Since youths today, having short attention span they more interested know new things through visualize as compared to in words . For an example, television could make them focus longer minutes as compared to a book. ( Akmar Saad, 2008 )

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Practice 2

1. Striving for a Better Life Through Better Air Quality

Thesis statement :
The only way to effectively improve air quality is for every country around the world to play a significant role in controlling air pollution.

Main ideas and supporting point :

A. Governments should encourage research and development (R&D) work.
1.Alternatives to fossil fuels.
2.Hybrid and electric cars.

B. Governments should implement regulations 
to control air pollution.
1.Environmental laws.
2. Tax relief for compliant industries.

C. Governments should organise environmental campaigns
1. Recycling.
2.Car pooling.

 2. Benefits of Keeping Fit

Thesis statement
: There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy.

Main ideas and supporting points :

A. One can maintain good physical health
1. Build up body's resistance to disease.
2.Improve the cardiovascular system.
3.Strengthen the muscular system.

B. One can maintain good mental health
1. Improve concentration.
2.Increase mental alertness.

C. One can maintain a good disposition or temperament
Release endorphins, the "happy" hormones.
2. Develop a positive attitude.

3.Reduce stress.

3. Types of Leadership

Thesis statement : A leader may display one of, or a combination of the three kinds of leadership.
Main ideas and supporting points :
A. A leader may show democratic leadership.
  1. Put decisions to a vote of subordinates.
  2. Strives for the coorperation of every subordinate.
B. A leader may show paternal leadership.
  1. Acts like a father.
  2. Gives guidance, advice and instructions.
  3. Influences by setting a good example.
C. A leader may show autocratic leadership.
1. Feels he should be the only one making decisions.
2. Feels he should be the only one giving orders. 
3. Believes he is the only one having superior wisdom.

Practice 3: Thesis Statement With Predictors

1. Thesis statement
There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy.

Thesis statement with predictors:
There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy. The most essential benefit is by maintaining a good physical health, which followed by good mental health and  also by maintaining a good disposition or temperament withal.
 2. Thesis statement: A leader may display one of, or a combination of three kinds of leadership.

Thesis statement with predictors
A leader may display one of, or a combination of three kinds of leadership, comparatively by portraying a democratic leadership, paternal leadership, and in conjunction with an autocratic leadership.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

How has the internet benefited students?

         In this globalisation era,  a lot of criticism has been levelled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. However, Internet offers plenty of opportunities for learning and interactivity, and if you take a moment to think about it, it’s not
 too hard to see how students 
benefit from using social media. As younger generations use such technology in the classroom, they remake the educational landscape. In addition, students are experiencing the world through more than just books and assignments, eventually they are learning and adapting to the world using a relatively new form of communication. As we all knows we are in a world where connections are important, graduates are coming into the workplace with a lot to offer. The use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it especially students. The enormous amount of information available and the many uses one can have through the Internet have made it the most valuable tool in various settings of a person’s life.Being connected to fast Internet means greater access to information, and with broader access students have 100 times the beneficial possibilities.
But what are the beneficial possibilities? Read on to find out about it. 

Saturday, 19 September 2015

My favourite sport : Swimming

        Swimming is a recommendable sport in practical aspects. First of all, swimming can make you stay healthy. Because you should hold your breath repeatedly, and it is demanding aerobically, your lung and heart will get stronger and healthier. Swimming uses all the major muscle, so it increases muscle power and the level of physical activities, and it also helps to keep joints flexible, especially in the neck and shoulders. Besides that, swimming is an effective exercise to lose weight. It expends many calories without high impact on joints compared with other sports. It makes weight loss of every part of your body in balance, so you would get fit and slim. If you can control the amount of meal you eat, it is most effective on loss weight without doing harm. Finally, swimming opens the door to lots of activities such as scuba diving or surfing. So ,if you don’t know how to swim, you must learn it as soon as possible. As I mentioned above, there are many practical benefits which promote the enjoyment and charm of swimming. 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Sea Turtles

        Sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on earth and have remain unchanged for 110 million years. Unfortunately, the number of turtles in Malaysia have decreased over the years, until the local government declared these turtles extinct.

     There are seven turtle species in the world and four of these have made the east coast shores of Malaysia as their landing spot. They are the Leatherback, Greenback, Hawksbill and Olive Ridley, with the Greenback most common these days. 

     The Leatherback turtle is the largest of all turtles in the world. It can reach to a length of 2m and can weight up to 500kg. This turtle can be recognized by its distinctive carapace marked by seven longitudinal ridges on its back, resembling a starfruit. Each turtle can lay between 60-120 eggs. In Malaysia, Leatherback turtles are only found in the states of Terengganu. 

     Meanwhile, the Olive Ridley turtle is the smallest turtle among all turtles. It has an average size of 15-65 cm in length and weights around 30kg. Its body has a dark coloration like the olive fruit. The nesting seasons is between March- June. Each turtle can lay up to around 100 eggs per nesting. This species can be found in the states of Terengganu and Pahang.

      As a Malaysian we should be very proud because we have one of the unique animal which is sea turtle in our motherland. So, we have a very high responsibility to prevent and conserve sea turtles and their eggs.