Saturday, 31 October 2015

Practice 3 & 4


1. Sentence :
The clearing of the rain forest has brought about catastrophic consequences to the environment.

                                                                             Choo, K.L., The World and You (2008)

According to Choo, deforestation has brought cataclysmic event to the environment. 

2. Sentence :
The education of undergraduates is different from the education in school; undergraduates learn under the tutelage of numerous professors of diverse expertise.
                                                                             Nair, V., The Global Education (2005)
Undergraduates are educate by numerous expertise professors in various field as compared to their education in school. ( Nair, (2005)

1. Sentence
Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing them on small groups of patients.
                                                                   Teo Kim Mun, Treatments and Testing (2006)
 Scientists uses animals to test on the safety and efficiency of newly developed drugs as animals have  many almost same characteristics with homosapians before the pilot test them on humans in smaller scale. ( Kim Mun, (2006))
2. Sentence
 It is also impossible for them to focus on a book because they have short attention spans. Television, on the other hand, presents to them a different world every 30 minutes, which holds their attention.
                                                                       Akmar Saad, The Reading Dilemma (2008)
 Since youths today, having short attention span they more interested know new things through visualize as compared to in words . For an example, television could make them focus longer minutes as compared to a book. ( Akmar Saad, 2008 )

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