The Increased Rate Of Road Accidents In Malaysia.
A. Hook/Attention getter: According to a research conducted by the University of Michigan, Malaysia is listed among the top 25 most dangerous countries for road users, with 30 fatalities per 100,000 populations.
B. General statement: Nowadays, road safety has becoming the serious issues as traffic accidents in Malaysia has been raising at the average rate of 9.7% per annum over the last 3 decades (Mohamad Nizam Mustafa, 2006).
C. Thesis statement: The causes that increased the rate of road accidents are drivers with inadequate sleep, and bad attitudes of drivers on road such as drunk driving and usage of hand-phone which leads to injuries or death and reduce economic impacts to country.
ii .Body
A. Topic sentence: The major reasons for increased rate of road accidents are the drivers with inadequate sleep and the bad attitudes of drivers while driving which going against the laws on road.
1. Supporting point 1: It was found that those drivers that driving when sleepy, driving after five hours’ or less of sleep were commonly linked with a substantial increased of 50% in the risk of rate of road accidents which leads to serious injury or death, through a case-control study of 571 drivers involved in road crashes. (Jennie, et-al,2002)
a. Sub-supporting point 1: Drivers do not stay focused on the road while driving as they don’t get enough sleep. (Prof. Dr Wong Shaw Voon, 2015)
b. Sub-supporting point 2: Drivers whom working as a bus driver tent to lose their concentration while driving, because they would be driving for long period of time such as driving continuously for 10-12 hours in a day, might slept off while driving which can cause accident.
2. Supporting point 2: It is a must for the drivers to obey the traffic laws of roads as it is created to minimize the risk of road drivers to get involved in accidents but only few of the drivers are obeying the laws while others are driving as though the roads belongs to them. ( The Star, 22/2/2014)
a. Sub-supporting point 1: According to NHTSA, 85% of all cellular customers are using the devices while driving; it estimates 20 to 30% of fatal accidents are due to “distractions”—including cell-phone usage.( N Engl J Med. 1997)
i. Sub-sub-supporting points: The risk of involving in an accident was between 3 and 6.5 times higher after 10 minutes of hand-phone use, compared with the risk for drivers not using hand-phones.(N Engl J Med. 1997)
b. Sub-supporting point 2: Other bad attitudes of Malaysian drivers are the misuse of horn, turning on the headlight at inappropriate situation or making turns without turning on the signal lights which will distract other driver’s attention.
B. Transition paragraph
1. Summary/conclusion: Accident issue is becoming an alarming issue in this world because of lack of road safety awareness in human and impacts to the community.
2. Transitional sentence: Driver with inadequate sleep and the bad attitudes of drivers while driving on roads has increased the rate of road accidents resulting in injury or fatality, loss of man power, loss of productivity, high medical expenses, costly management, property damage and others are estimated to cost an annual economic loss of about RM 7 billion.
C. Topic sentence 2: The increased in the rate of road accidents in Malaysia will caused economic waste indirectly it will be burden to the poor in the developing country.
1. Supporting point 1: The bad impacts on economic because half of expanses is used to treat the victim that involved in an accident and the cost of road accident will only push insurance premium up and the sheer numbers on road accidents on Malaysian roads was a terrible economic waste to the nation as a whole.
a. Sub-supporting point 1: Our Malaysian government need to invest money more on medical expanses to treat all the accident victims that are admitted in government hospital.
2. Supporting point 2: Poor people in developing countries have the highest burden of injuries and fatalities due to road traffic crashes.
a. Sub-supporting point 1: The victims from poor family background will have a very hard time to find a big amount of money if in case the admitted have a very serious injury that to be treated.
iii. Conclusion
A. Restatement of the thesis statement
The causes that increased the rate of road accidents are drivers with inadequate sleep, and bad attitudes of drivers on road such as drunk driving and usage of hand-phone which leads to injuries or death and reduce economic impacts to country.
B. Suggestion/recommendation
Good attitude is an important characteristic for drivers on road so that you could save your and others’ life from getting into trouble and drivers must always remember to obey the rules and regulations when on roads in order to minimize the rate of road accidents in Malaysia.
Reference list
1.Professor Dr Wong Shaw Voon, 2015. 5 common causes of road accidents in Malaysia
Retrieved on Nov 15, 2015, from:
2. Connor Jennie, Norton Robyn, Shanthi, et al. Driver sleepiness and risk of serious injury to car occupants: population based case control study. BMJ. 2002;324:1125–1128. Retrieved on Nov 15, 2015, from:
3. Cohen PJ, Quinlan KP, Paltiel O, Ambrose A, Redelmeier DA, Tibshirani RJ, Maclure M, Mittleman MA. Cellular Telephones and Traffic Accidents. N Engl J Med. 1997;337:127–129. Retrieved on Nov 15,2015, from :
4. Proceedings GITE Regional Workshop on Inspection & Maintenance in Asia Bangkok; Thailand. 10–1, Dec 2001. Retrieved on Nov 15,2015.
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