Saturday, 31 October 2015

University Malaysia Terengganu' s International Day of 2015

     International Day is UMT's biggest event of the year where our community of students and friends comes together to celebrate cultural diversity through music, food, and performances. The aim of International Day is to enhance global learning and intercultural sharing while also sharing information about international cultures and to experience different foods of different countries. I believe this event also enhance the bonding between students where they hanged out together just to celebrate this international night with their beloved ones. 

This cute little girl had stolen my heart as she was in saree.

The stall which selling the very famous briyani of Bangladesh.

       There were 10 food stalls from 10 different countries which are Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Japan and others. My favourite food stall was Japan food stall where they sold takoyaki. I also did enjoy cultural performance by our UMT students, and i was surprised to watch the awesome lion dance that performed on International Day's night which was really very unexpected. Besides that, I had a chance to watch and support my friend's dance which represents my very own Indian cultural dance. I was mesmerized by their freaking awesome performance because i never knew that they having such outstanding talents in them. Congratulations my dear friends, you all added on more excitement on my day !!  

My great friends .....Superd dance !!

Practice 3 & 4


1. Sentence :
The clearing of the rain forest has brought about catastrophic consequences to the environment.

                                                                             Choo, K.L., The World and You (2008)

According to Choo, deforestation has brought cataclysmic event to the environment. 

2. Sentence :
The education of undergraduates is different from the education in school; undergraduates learn under the tutelage of numerous professors of diverse expertise.
                                                                             Nair, V., The Global Education (2005)
Undergraduates are educate by numerous expertise professors in various field as compared to their education in school. ( Nair, (2005)

1. Sentence
Since animals share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and effectiveness of newly developed drugs before pilot testing them on small groups of patients.
                                                                   Teo Kim Mun, Treatments and Testing (2006)
 Scientists uses animals to test on the safety and efficiency of newly developed drugs as animals have  many almost same characteristics with homosapians before the pilot test them on humans in smaller scale. ( Kim Mun, (2006))
2. Sentence
 It is also impossible for them to focus on a book because they have short attention spans. Television, on the other hand, presents to them a different world every 30 minutes, which holds their attention.
                                                                       Akmar Saad, The Reading Dilemma (2008)
 Since youths today, having short attention span they more interested know new things through visualize as compared to in words . For an example, television could make them focus longer minutes as compared to a book. ( Akmar Saad, 2008 )

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Practice 2

1. Striving for a Better Life Through Better Air Quality

Thesis statement :
The only way to effectively improve air quality is for every country around the world to play a significant role in controlling air pollution.

Main ideas and supporting point :

A. Governments should encourage research and development (R&D) work.
1.Alternatives to fossil fuels.
2.Hybrid and electric cars.

B. Governments should implement regulations 
to control air pollution.
1.Environmental laws.
2. Tax relief for compliant industries.

C. Governments should organise environmental campaigns
1. Recycling.
2.Car pooling.

 2. Benefits of Keeping Fit

Thesis statement
: There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy.

Main ideas and supporting points :

A. One can maintain good physical health
1. Build up body's resistance to disease.
2.Improve the cardiovascular system.
3.Strengthen the muscular system.

B. One can maintain good mental health
1. Improve concentration.
2.Increase mental alertness.

C. One can maintain a good disposition or temperament
Release endorphins, the "happy" hormones.
2. Develop a positive attitude.

3.Reduce stress.

3. Types of Leadership

Thesis statement : A leader may display one of, or a combination of the three kinds of leadership.
Main ideas and supporting points :
A. A leader may show democratic leadership.
  1. Put decisions to a vote of subordinates.
  2. Strives for the coorperation of every subordinate.
B. A leader may show paternal leadership.
  1. Acts like a father.
  2. Gives guidance, advice and instructions.
  3. Influences by setting a good example.
C. A leader may show autocratic leadership.
1. Feels he should be the only one making decisions.
2. Feels he should be the only one giving orders. 
3. Believes he is the only one having superior wisdom.

Practice 3: Thesis Statement With Predictors

1. Thesis statement
There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy.

Thesis statement with predictors:
There are several benefits that we can enjoy when we keep our body healthy. The most essential benefit is by maintaining a good physical health, which followed by good mental health and  also by maintaining a good disposition or temperament withal.
 2. Thesis statement: A leader may display one of, or a combination of three kinds of leadership.

Thesis statement with predictors
A leader may display one of, or a combination of three kinds of leadership, comparatively by portraying a democratic leadership, paternal leadership, and in conjunction with an autocratic leadership.